Why subscribe?

This site is dedicated to exploring how different neurotypes approach learning and performing improv and comedy! Because the author is an autistic and ADHD (AuDHD) performer, the content is delivered from that perspective. However it is probably relevant to any performer who feels a bit different than typical… and everyone who shares a stage or classroom with them.

Which is every improviser. Every comedian. Every performer.

I’ve been told this stuff is relevant to performing comedy and acting in general. So hopefully that’s true too and makes this 10% less hella-niche.

You should subscribe if you want to make your practice a bit more inclusive, including with yourself. You might want to subscribe if you want to understand your differences, or that of others. Or maybe you just like improv, or comedy.

Do you like comedy?

About the author

Hello! I am Jen, a neurodivergent (AuDHD) improviser. Cognitive stuff, comedy, teaching, learning, and improv are subjects I love thinking about. My formal education and background is in teaching, so I thought I’d talk about the intersection of all these things here and on the podcast.


Jen deHaan has taught and coached improv at several schools including World's Greatest Improv School (WGIS) and Queen City Comedy. She was also the Online School Director of WGIS. Jen does improv shows and makes podcasts for small niche audiences such as the one on this site, and a bunch of podcasts and shows delivered on StereoForest.

Jen founded StereoForest so she can create, direct, and produce podcasts for both audio and video delivery.

In the before-times, Jen enjoyed teaching dance fitness and performing in semi-rural vaudeville/burlesque themed shows both of which took place on stages made of wood. She loved it a lot. Like, a lot.

Jen has a degree in teaching creative arts to adults from University of Calgary. Her professional background is in software technology (audio/video/web/graphics) in Silicon Valley, including instructional design and writing. She likes to explain things in detail. Jen has been teaching humans in a formal capacity since the early 90s, and autistic since the 70s. Basically, she has a diverse work history that would make any AuDHD nod in agreement.

StereoForest & Other Newsletters

This podcast is produced by StereoForest, where you can find other podcasts about improv, and improvised podcasts and shows. You can find StereoForest shows here and subscribe to them here.

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You can support this site and receive bonus content by becoming a paid subscriber here on Substack. You will receive all of the written essays about being a neurodivergent brain in comedy.

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You can also also subscribe to Improv Update. I send out weekly updates about improv comedy podcasts, shows, livestreams, and more. There might even be a link to some jams you can attend.

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If you want improv at steep discount prices, check out Jen’s Discount Improv Emporium or follow it on Instagram. It’s so cheap it’s free.

Subscribe to Neurodiversity and Improv - Podcast & Articles

These podcast episodes & articles are about improv and neurodiversity (mostly autism & ADHD). Discussions are relevant to improv, comedy, acting, and performance. If you aren’t neurodivergent, you are certainly in scenes and classes with us!


Improv podcasts and shows. I write and podcast here about being a neurodivergent (autistic) in comedy. Other comedy at StereoForest. Tech professional (web and design software) since the 90s. I also avoid viral infections and love dogs.